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in LS5233: Multimedia Resources and Services, LS5333: School Library Media Center, LS5443: Librarians as Instructional Partners, and LS5633: The Art of Storytelling
School librarians are required to serve their entire school learning communities. We achieve our goal of positioning our work at the center of our schools' literacy programs through cooperative and collaborative endeavors. Although cooperative efforts, such as literacy events, are important to creating vibrant library programs, school librarians make the greatest impact on student achievement through classroom-library collaboration for instruction. School librarians who work in isolation from classroom teacher peers marginalize the school library program. In our SLIS courses, we will develop our interpersonal skills and dispositions and practice collaborative partnerships in order to prepare ourselves for successful work in the field of school librarianship.
1. Find a partner using the appropriate discussion forum.
2. Determine a wiki location for your work and invite the other partner(s) to join the wiki. Invite Dr.M. (jmoreillon@twu.edu) and our G.A.
3. Exchange preferred email contact information and determine on whose wiki you will collaborate. It is highly recommended that you communicate with your partner via BB Email.
4. Determine other communication methods for discussion: wiki page discussion feature (required for some assignments), online chat, phone, and more.
5. Carefully review the assignment sheet and the rubric. Discuss them with your partner(s).
6. BEGIN to document the collaboration on the wiki and in a timely manner to meet the rubric requirements.
7. Consult your personal calendars and establish a timeline for completing components of the assignment, including a deadline for the final draft and one for the completed project.
8. Communicate with one another regularly and provide each other feedback as the collaboration progresses.
9. When it is ready, co-review the draft of the final product using the rubric. Revise it if necessary.
10. Determine who will submit the rubric and who will submit the URL or the product.
11. When you have received feedback on your process and product, discuss the feedback with your partner. Talk about what you did well and what you will improve upon for your next collaborative assignment.
IMPORTANT: Graduate School Student Partnerships
Of course there are differences between school-based and grad school partnerships.
As a K-12 school librarian you are charged with working with EVERYONE in your school. In our course, you will CHOOSE partners based on the information they present about themselves. You are encouraged to review that information before accepting or extending a partnership invitation.
Occasionally a grad school partnership does not gel and requires professor intervention. After you have tried to remedy the miscommunication or the misalignment of work ethics, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I can intervene to help the partnership get on track. If all of our efforts fail, I can and will assess students’ work individually for partner projects. Wikis provide me with the necessary information regarding each partner’s contributions to the assignment.
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