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COMMON sCOREs: Instructional Partnerships that Deliver Success


 1/2-Day Preconference Workshop for the American Association of School Librarians

American Library Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois
28 June 2013 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

N227A McCormick Place Convention Center

Title: COMMON sCOREs: Instructional Partnerships that Deliver Success
Strands: Teaching and Learning; Professional Development and Leadership
Lead Presenter: Judi Moreillon, Assistant Professor, School of Library and Information Studies, Texas Woman’s University, Denton

What is the core of 21st-century school librarianship? How does OUR core relate to the Common Core State Standards and other state standards? What are the skills, dispositions, responsibilities, and self-assessments we can apply to co-achieve uncommon success? This preconference will provide strategies for demonstrating the school librarian’s central role in the academic program through practicing instructional partnerships to ensure success for K-12 students, teachers, administrators, librarians, and for the school librarian profession, too.

Elementary Team
Plympton Elementary School, Waltham, Massachusetts

Judi Paradis
School Librarian

Marianne Duffy
First-Grade Teacher

Middle School Team
Crittenden Middle School, Newport News, Virginia
An NNPS Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Magnet

Sabrina Carnesi
School Librarian

Syms Middle School, Hampton, Virginia
Naadira Mubarak

High School Team

Stacy Cameron, MLS
Pioneer Heritage Middle School
Frisco ISD


Judi Moreillon, M.L.S., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Texas Woman's University, Denton


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