

Page history last edited by Judi Moreillon 5 years, 3 months ago

Technology-focused Presentations


Strategies for Increasing Interactivity in the Online Learning Environment

with Tamby Allman for the Center for Faculty Excellence, Texas Woman's University, March 2016

Innovative Pedagogies SIG Panel Presentation, ALISE Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, January 2016

and Texas Woman's Teaching & Learning Symposium, Denton, Texas, August 2014


School Librarians Tweet for Connections, Community, and Professional Development: A Netnographic Case Study of #txlchat. International Association of School Librarians. Regional Conference, Austin, Texas, April 2015


How Are We Involving K-12 Students in Participatory Culture?, Texas Computer Education Association: Library/Media SIG. and Digital Stories for Teaching, Learning, and Advocacy with Jennifer Richey, Austin, Texas, February 2013


Telling Your Advocacy Story with Digital Tools with Ruth Nicole Hall. Library 2.012 Conference, Online, October 2012


Focusing, Producing, and Sharing Personal and Professional Inquiry Learning through Digital Storytelling with Mary Virginia Meeks and Jennifer Pennington. Spicola Forum in Reading, Denton, Texas, March 2012


Engaging Students Using Web 2.0 Tools: Communication, Collaboration, and Competence, co-presented with Liz Sikes, TWU Online Educator Symposium, August 2010


WANDA's Wiki Wonderland: Literature Circles Online, co-presented with Jenni Hunt, 17th Annual Teaching and Technology Conference, Empire High School, Vail, Arizona, January 2009


Digitizing the Muse: Collaborating to Produce and Present Poetry and Art Using Technology, Children's Literature Conference, University of Arizona, March 2004


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