Children's and Young Adult Literature Presentations
Love of Reading: Sing Down the Rain, Indian Oasis Intermediate School, Sells, Arizona, February 2024
Board Books for Young Children: A Guide for Families and Educators, Tucson Festival of Books, Tucson, Arizona, March 2023
Spotlight on the Grand Canyon Reader Awards, Tucson Festival of Books, Tucson, Arizona, March 2022
Reading with Toddlers and Preschool Children: Better Together, Tucson Festival of Books, Tucson, Arizona, March 2019
Author Visits: Sing Down the Rain, Louisville, Kentucky, and Tucson, Arizona, November and December 2018
Intercultural Understanding through Global Literature, Texas Library Association Conference, Dallas, Texas, April 2018
From School to Page: How Teaching Sparked My Picture Books, Tucson Festival of Books, March 2014
Inviting Deep Thinking about Global Citizenship through International Literature with Ragina Shearer. Spicola Forum in Reading, Denton, Texas, March 2012
Celebrate International Children's Book Day! with Dani Conroy, Leslie Wesson, and Anne Huser. International Cultures Storytelling Event. Blagg-Huey Library, Texas Woman's University, Denton, Texas, March 2012
Becoming Global Citizens and Making International Friendships through Literature, co-presented with Ragina Shearer, Texas Association for the Improvement of Reading Conference, Denton, Texas, September 2011
The Language of "Cultural" Literature: What Does It Mean?, co-presented with Holly Johnson, Lauren Freedman, Prisca Martens, Janelle Mathis, USBBY 8th Regional Conference, St. Charles, Illinois, October 2009
Make It Real --- Fun! Real Books, Real Authors, Real Time, Real Literacy Learning, co-presenting with Nick Glass (, Authors Monica Brown, Juanita Havill, Pat Mora, Michelle Parker-Rock, and Author-Illustrator Chris Gall, Institute for the International Reading Association Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, February 2009
Irresistible Invitations: Early Literacy Engagements for Preschool and Primary Children, National Start Smart Conference, Greensboro, North Carolina, May 2007; Even Start Conference, San Diego, California, October 2007
Picasso Poems: An Integrated Study in Art, Music, and Poetry, co-presented with Rochelle Thomson and Tracy Lynn Ross, 15th Annual Conference on Literature and Literacy for Children and Adolescents, University of Arizona, March 2007
Blogging for Books, co-presented with Aimee Rogers, 14th Annual Conference on Literature and Literacy for Children and Adolescents, University of Arizona, March 2006
Irresistible Invitations: Early Literacy Engagements for Preschool and Primary Children, co-presented with Toni Buzzeo, Jane Kurtz, and Chris Kurtz, Oregon Reading Association Conference, Portland, Oregon, February 2006
Celebrating Literacy! Enchanting Practices for the Primary Classroom, co-presented with Toni Buzzeo, Jane Kurtz, and Jennifer Ward, SW IRA Regional Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 2006
Enchanting Children's Literature of the Southwest, co-presented with Monica Brown, Lisa Bear Goldman, and Jennifer Ward, SW IRA Regional Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 2006
Read to Me/Vamos a leer: Privileging Home-Community Literacy, University of Arizona, Children's Literature Class, October 2004
Irresistible Invitations: Early Literacy Engagements for Preschool and Primary Children, Tucson-area Head Start Educators, September 2004
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