Instructional Partnerships Presentations (since 2012)
Collaboration Testimonials Archive
Centering Our Values through Classroom-Library Collaboration: The Key to Enacting School Librarian Leadership - American Association of School Librarians, Salt Lake City, Utah, October, 2021
Winning the Game with Instructional Partners - Texas Library Association Conference, Dallas, Texas, April, 2018
Investing in Social Capital Counts - American Association for School Librarians, Phoenix, Arizona, November, 2017
Classroom-Library Coteaching 4 Student Success - Webinar via, sponsored by School Library Connection and ABC-CLIO, Online, October, 2016
Coteaching Inquiry Learning and Reading Comprehension Strategies: A Perfect Match - American Association of School Librarians National Conference, Columbus, Ohio, November, 2015
Treasure Mountain Research Retreat, The Learning Commons: A Strategic Opportunity for School Librarians, November, 2015, Columbus, Ohio
Texas Library Association Webinar, "Building a Culture of Collaboration: A Conversation with the Co-Bloggers," May, 2015 with Karla Collins of Longwood University, Lucy Green of Georgia Southern University, Melissa Johnston of the University of Alabama, and Judy Kaplan of the University of Vermont
Texas Woman's University, College of Professional Education, Student Teacher Workshop, March, 2014:
What Every Preservice Teacher Should Know about Working with the School Librarian
Texas Woman's University, College of Professional Education, Student Teacher Workshop, September, 2013
Coteachers: Step Out of the Box -- Together!
Miscellaneous Resources from LS5443: Librarians As Instructional Partners
Portraits of a Collaborator
Successful Partnerships
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