Instructional Partnerships Presentations (since 2012)
Collaboration Testimonials Archive
Winning the Game with Instructional Partners - Texas Library Association Conference, Dallas, Texas, April, 2018
Investing in Social Capital Counts - American Association for School Librarians, Phoenix, Arizona, November, 2017
Classroom-Library Coteaching 4 Student Success - Webinar via, sponsored by School Library Connection and ABC-CLIO, Online, October, 2016
Coteaching Inquiry Learning and Reading Comprehension Strategies: A Perfect Match - American Association of School Librarians National Conference, Columbus, Ohio, November, 2015
Treasure Mountain Research Retreat, The Learning Commons: A Strategic Opportunity for School Librarians, November, 2015, Columbus, Ohio
Texas Library Association Webinar, "Building a Culture of Collaboration: A Conversation with the Co-Bloggers," May, 2015 with Karla Collins of Longwood University, Lucy Green of Georgia Southern University, Melissa Johnston of the University of Alabama, and Judy Kaplan of the University of Vermont:
Texas Woman's University, College of Professional Education, Student Teacher Workshop, March, 2014:
What Every Preservice Teacher Should Know about Working with the School Librarian
Texas Woman's University, College of Professional Education, Student Teacher Workshop, September, 2013
Coteachers: Step Out of the Box -- Together!
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